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Task Command
Show help message rbx --help
Create a new package in folder package rbx create package
Compile a file given its path rbx compile any my/file.cpp
Open the problem configuration in a text editor rbx edit
Generate all testcases rbx build
Generate all testcases and run validators rbx verify
Run all solutions and check their tags rbx run
Run all solutions except the slow ones rbx run -v2
Run all solutions without checking rbx run --nocheck
Run all solutions interactively rbx irun
Run a stress test with name break rbx stress break
Run a stress test for a generator rbx stress gen -g "[1..10]" -s sols/main.cpp
Download testlib to the current folder rbx download testlib
Download jngen to the current folder rbx download jngen
Download a built-in testlib checker rbx download checker wcmp.cpp
Build PDF statements rbx statements build --output=pdf
Build PDF statements for English rbx statements build en --output=pdf
Package problem for Polygon rbx package polygon
Package problem for BOCA rbx package boca
Clear cache rbx clear

Contest CLI

Task Command
Show help message rbx contest --help
Create a new contest in folder package rbx contest create package
Add a new problem to the contest with letter A rbx contest add new-problem A
Open the contest configuration in a text editor rbx contest edit
Build PDF statements rbx contest statements build --output=pdf
Build PDF statements for English rbx contest statements build en --output=pdf
Package contest for Polygon rbx contest package polygon
Build each problem in the contest rbx contest each build
Package each problem in the contest rbx contest each package boca


Change problem constraints

timeLimit: 1000  # In milliseconds
memoryLimit: 256  # In megabytes

Add testlib assets

Set a built-in testlib checker

rbx download checker yesno.cpp
  path: "yesno.cpp"


Find here a full list of existing built-in testlib checkers.

Set a custom checker

  path: "my-checker.cpp"

Add a generator

Add a new generator entry to the generators field.

  # ...other generators
  - name: "my-gen"
    path: "my-gen.cpp"


To actually generate tests with this new generator, you have to add testcase groups and call the generator.

Set a validator

  path: 'my-validator.cpp`

Add a new solution

Implement your solution (for instance, a wrong solution in sols/my-wa-solution.cpp) and add it to the solutions field.

  - path: 'sols/my-wa-solution.cpp'
    outcome: WRONG_ANSWER

You can see the list of possible expected outcomes here.

Add testcases

Add a testcase group with manually defined tests

  # ...other testcase groups
  - name: "manual-tests"
    testcaseGlob: "tests/manual/*.in" # (1)!
  1. Import all tests in the tests/manual/ folder in lexicographic order.

    The test input files must end in .in.

Add a testcase group with a list of generated tests

  # ...other testcase groups
  - name: "single-generated"
      - name: "gen"
        args: "1000 123" # (1)!
      - name: "gen"
        args: "1000 456" # (2)!
  1. A generated test obtained from the output of the command gen 1000 123.
  2. A generated test obtained from the output of the command gen 1000 456.

Add a testcase group with a list of generated tests from a generator script

  # ...other testcase groups
   - name: "generated-from-text-script"
        path: "script.txt"
gen 1000 123
gen 1000 456
gen 1000 789
# other tests...

Add a testcase group with a list of generated tests from a dynamic generator script

  # ...other testcase groups
   - name: "generated-from-program-script"
        path: ""
for i in range(50):
  print(f'gen 1000 {i}') # (1)!
  1. Generates 50 random tests.

Add testgroup-specific validator

  path: "my-validator.cpp"
  - name: "small-group"
    # Define tests...
      path: "my-small-validator.cpp" # (1)!
  - name: "large-group"
    # Define tests...
  1. Add a specific validator to verify constraints of a smaller sub-task of the problem.

Add variables

The variables below can be reused across validators and statements.

  "MAX_N": 1000
  "MAX_V": 100000
  "MOD": py`10**9+7` # Backticks force the var to be evaluated as a Python expression.

Use variables

int32_t main() {
  registerValidation(argc, argv);
  prepareOpts(argc, argv);

  int MAX_N = opt<int>("MAX_N"); // Read from package vars.

  // Rest of the validator
The maximum value of N is \VAR{MAX_N | sci} % (1)!
  1. If MAX_N has lots of trailing zeroes, sci converts it to scientific notation.

Add statements

Add a roboxTeX statement

  # ...other statements
  - title: "My problem"
    path: "statement/statement.rbx.tex"
    type: roboxTeX
    language: 'en'
      - type: 'rbx-tex'
        template: statement/template.rbx.tex' # (1)!
    assets: ['statement/olymp.sty', 'statement/*.png'] # (2)!
  1. Defines how a roboxTeX file will be converted to a normal TeX file. Here, we link the template where our roboxTeX sections such as legend, input and output will be inserted into.

  2. Defines assets that should be linked when the resulting statement is being compiled.

Add a PDF statement

  # ...other statements
  - title: "My problem"
    path: "statement/statement.pdf"
    type: PDF
    language: 'en'

Add a stress test

Add a stress to look for an error in a solution

  - name: "my-stress"
      name: 'gen'
      args: '[1..<MAX_N>] @' # (1)!
      - path: "sols/my-potentially-wrong-sol.cpp"
  1. The <MAX_N> variable expands into the vars.MAX_N value that could be declared in problem.rbx.yml.

    The [1..<MAX_N>] picks a random number in this interval before generating every test in the stress run.

    The @ appends a few extra random characters to the end of the generator call to re-seed the generator.

Add a stress to look for a test that causes TLE in a solution

  - name: "my-stress"
      name: 'gen'
      args: '1000000 @' # (1)!
      - path: "sols/my-potentially-slow-sol.cpp"
    outcome: TLE
  1. The @ at the end of the args string appends a random string to it. This is necessary here because gen 100000 would return the same testcase over and over, since testlib rng is seeded from its command line argc and argv.


Add a new problem

  - short_name: "A"  # Letter of the problem
    path: "problem_folder"
    color: "ff0000"  # Optional